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The Heartbeat of Every Gym! Selecting the Best Treadmill

The treadmill is a staple in every home and commercial gym, as anyone—from serious runners to newbies—can use it. This versatile equipment allows you to walk, run, or simulate running or walking up hills in any weather. At MiFitness, we carry the best selection of treadmills from top brands like Shua, Powercore, and Assault Fitness. But with so many products to choose from, how do you know which to get? 

Allow us to help you pick the best treadmill that you will love to use and push you further to achieving your fitness goals. 

Check the running belt. 

The ideal size should suit your gait and stride length so you can run comfortably without compromising stability. Taller people have longer walking and running strides. When in doubt, go for a belt that is at least 123 cm long x 46 cm wide for walking. For running, you need a minimum of 135 cm x 46 cm long. 

Ensure a high-quality deck suspension 

Treadmills have a running deck under the belt made of laminated wood with a silicone lubricant coating to reduce friction. Make sure the deck has a high-quality construction that is thick with soft shock-absorbing pads for impact absorption. 

Horsepower and motor 

The horsepower rating is associated with the motor’s power. Check the CHP (continuous horsepower) rating to determine how the treadmill will function. It’s usually from 1.5 CHP to 3.5 CHP. Entry-level treadmills have 1.25 CHP, and advanced models have 3 to 3.5 CHP. If you’re on the heavy side, look for a stronger AC motor. 

How much should a treadmill cost? 

Treadmillscome in various price points depending on their functions and special features. 

Entry-level models with basic functions are suitable for those new to treadmill use or primarily interested in walking. However, for a more versatile experience that includes jogging and light running, we suggest starting with a model like the  Shua A5 Treadmill.This midrange treadmill boasts an industrial-grade 1.5 AC Motor with a 3.5HP AC Peak, ensuring reliable and strong performance for speeds up to 18 km/h. It also features an adjustable incline of up to 12%, enhancing your workout variety. 

For fitness enthusiasts aiming to elevate their running regimen, intermediate treadmills offer more powerful motors and additional workout features. The  Shua X3 model is a great choice for those looking to step up their training. And for serious runners and professional athletes, nothing beats a commercial treadmillwith a robust motor, extra sturdy frame, a large running surface, and a wide range of training options. 

Feel free to consult our experts here at MiFitness for more tips on choosing the best treadmill. If you’re ready to order, shop online to get 10% off and free delivery when you spend 1000 AED.